Responsible Conduct of Research

This course was designed to provide a context for the historical evolution of current Human Subjects Protection Programs and the mechanisms developed to guide researchers and protect the rights of research subjects. An in-depth examination of the ethical issues encountered in conducting clinical research was provided, including research with vulnerable populations, conflict of interest, and scientific misconduct. The intent was to provide a foundational understanding of the researcher’s role in ensuring the ethical and responsible conduct of research.

  • Analyze global trends in human subject research using historical and ethical frameworks.
  • Compare and contrast codes, declarations and ethical guidance as they relate to national and international ethical frameworks.
  • Justify the unique context, purpose and value of clinical research within the medical domain.
  • Explain the challenges and ethical considerations in recruiting subjects for national and international clinical trials.
  • Summarize the concept of autonomy as it relates to impaired decision-making, recruitment of vulnerable populations, and informed consent.
  • Differentiate the roles, responsibilities and interactions of the various members of the clinical research team in protecting and overseeing the safety of human subjects.
  • Critique the concepts of research conflict of interest, scientific integrity, and scientific misconduct as they relate to responsible conduct of research.

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